
Mission Statement

At Ecobo®, we’re on a mission to promote a world where design meets sustainability, where nature is celebrated in our homes, and each planter narrates a unique story of beauty, creativity, and respect for our planet. Join us on this exciting journey to redefine sustainable design.

Our products

Our primary offerings are sustainably designed planters, each serving as a unique testament to our craft. We transform recycled resin into striking aesthetics mirroring concrete or stone through a roto-molding technique, creating a piece of art that carries life and fosters sustainability. Our planters are not only aesthetically pleasing but also lightweight and eco-friendly. Each product contributes to a greener planet, embodying the idea of beauty, functionality, and environmental friendliness, without imposing a heavy toll on our Earth. We strive to make our sustainable options accessible to all. Our planters are reasonably priced, ensuring you can foster green spaces of quality without undue financial stress or environmental cost.

Our Team

The team at Ecobo is a diverse collective of innovators, artists, and eco-enthusiasts united by our shared passion for sustainable design and environmental stewardship. We come from various backgrounds but converge on a common purpose: crafting unique planters that harmonize nature and design. Our team is deeply rooted in Brazil, drawing inspiration from its vibrant ecosystems. This connection with our land instills in us a deep respect for nature, which we channel into each piece we create.

We are hiring!

Join us as we continue to grow and innovate in the realm of sustainable design. Together, we can make a tangible difference. Welcome to our team at Ecobo.

– The Ecobo Team


3166 Broaddus Mple Court Avenue,
Madisonville KY 42431,
United States of America

Phone: +1 123456 7893
